Date Picker Tool
The Date Picker allows the user to select a date and time from a calendar.
Daily Hours - TIME-TIME of hours to allow every day, eg 08:00-17:00
Availability Interval - the interval to allow time slot selection
Booking Size - the block of time that a single booking occupies
Block Weekends - whether Saturday and/or Sunday should be available or not
Busy Calendar iCal - ical or ics public feed of a calendar to determine availability. You can provide one URL, or comma-separate multiple URL’s.
On Submit
Specify which screen to go to after a user submits a date.
The date and time selected will be available in server-side ProcScript code events in the variable session_vars["lastdatepicker"]
and also through the markdown token @[pf_datepicker]
Code Events
- Before Process
- Before Render
- On Render
Please refer to 📜Code Events for more details.