ProcFu Help

Overview & Usage

The Overview page shows a breakdown of your most recent usage.

Usage Limits

All ProcFu plans have limits based on the plan level. These limits internally correspond to calls per hour and calls per month. You will receive an email alert when your account usage reaches 80% of it's allotment and again when a limit is reached. This should give you ample time to increase your plan level if required.

Any usage above 80% of a limit will be in orange, and any usage above a limit will be shown in red.

Note: Monthly usage is based on calendar month, starting at 00:00 on the 1st day of the month.

It is therefore very important to choose a plan that can accommodate your required usage.

How Usage is Calculated

Each call to an API function counts as 1 call. Whether called from PWA/GlobiFlow, from code, or from your own servers.

App usage is determined by the underlying usage of scripts, which interact with the source API. The following actions each count as 1 action:

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