ProcFu Help

Before Process

The Before Process is the first code event. It runs before anything is processed for a screen.

This is a server-side ProcScript event.

Please note that there is no item data available at this point.

Available Variables

The following variables are exposed here:


Let’s say you want to change the Save button to say Commit instead:

translations["Save"] = "Commit"

You have a “role” field on your user record and want to make sure only managers can access this screen:

if ( auth_item_values["role"] != "manager" ) {
	throw "Not authorized"

Maybe you want to save a field from the authenticated user record for use in a field default value as a markdown token:

custom_tokens.role = auth_item_values.role
// use as @[pf_custom:role] in field default

As always, use-cases are endless. Just remember you have no item data at this point.

(c) 2024 ProcFu for Podio - by Globi | Join the Discussion in our Podio Workspace.